ESCALATE proudly convened its General Assembly, gathering partners for a two-day meeting in Surrey, United Kingdom. This assembly, the focal point of the project driving the European Union’s net-zero future, brought together a dedicated and diverse consortium spanning from Belgium to Denmark, Greece, Turkiye, Finland, and beyond.

The General Assembly, held on November 13 and 14, served as an exclusive forum for partners to delve into various crucial aspects, including technical and financial matters, open issues, objectives, timings, interdependencies, deliverables, and future steps. The agenda also featured enriching activities such as dedicated breakout sessions and pilot workshops led by project partners, fostering collaborative brainstorming.

The project aims to achieve an impressive 800 km range without refueling/recharging, covering a minimum of 500 km in average daily operation under real conditions. Its innovation revolves around three key areas: standardized, well-designed, cost-effective, modular, and scalable multi-powertrain components; rapid refueling and grid-friendly charging solutions; and the implementation of digital twin and AI-based management tools considering charging infrastructure capacity, availability, speed, nature, and fleet structures.

Topics covered in the project span a wide range, including data, decarbonization, electromobility and alternative fuels, innovation and disruption, research and innovation, and urban freight. Curious to know more? Subscribe to the ESCALATE’s newsletter!